finccam EQ Tail Protect at e-fundresearch

FondsNewcomer has published an interview with finccam's Bernhard Brunner on the strategy of finccam EQ Tail Protect. Innovative investment strategies are presented in the ‘FondsNewcomer’ section. Thank you very much for your interest and for the interesting questions!

A summary of some of the highlights of the exchange:

What is the idea and motivation behind the finccam EQ Tail Protect?
‘Staying invested in equities - even with black swans’ is a brief summary of the finccam EQ Tail Protect investment strategy.

Which problems can be solved for which investor groups?
By utilising a fund vehicle with leveraged hedging, we are now creating an opportunity to invest in efficient hedging instruments via a UCITs fund.

What are the most important unique selling points?
We are not aware of any comparable strategies in UCITs format. Investors can remain invested for the long term even in the event of extreme events and thus realise the available risk premiums.

How do you assess the potential of your strategy in the medium term of 3-5 years?
Equity markets repeatedly record high losses. A long-term investment in the equity risk premium is therefore difficult and requires systematic risk management. We therefore consider the potential added value and market potential of finccam EQ Tail Protect to be very high.

Click here for the complete interview on (in German).