Ulrich Trauner is part of the finccam team
We are very pleased to welcome our new colleague Ulrich Trauner to the team! After more than 20 years at risklab/Allianz Global Investors, where he supported the global business development,…
New risk management mandate for finccam
The team of finccam, the experts for risk premia and risk management, continues its growth and manages another institutional overlay mandate.
finccam is growing
Andreas Tröger is part of the finccam team since October 1, 2021! In recent years, Andreas gained experience in the management of quantitative investment strategies at Vescore and Vontobel.
Private Debt Conference
At the 4th Private Debt Conference, held in the hybrid format online and physically in Frankfurt under the direction of Government Director Dr.
Risk management in times of crisis
New publication by finccam in the Absolut report on the topic of risk management in the form of overlay strategies.
Flood Relief
finccam donates as help after the flood to the Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe. Our heartfelt thanks to all the helpers and our condolences to all the victims! www. aktionsbuendnis-katastrophenhilfe. de
GAUSS-Nachwuchspreis for Andreas Lichtenstern
Congratulations to Dr. Andreas Lichtenstern for the GAUSS Nachwuchspreis 2020.
finccam Job Posting
The finccam team is looking for an additional team member in the role of a Quantitative Portfolio Manager (m/f/d): finccam. com/career. We are looking forward to your application!
finccam continues to grow
Andreas Lichtenstern becomes part of the finccam team as of April 2021! Andreas was already able to support finccam in the past when he gained experience in asset management parallel to…